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In the media


Power, S.A., Schaeffer, M., Heisig, J.P., Udsen, R., & Morton, T. (2023). Press release of the paper titled “Why trust? A mixed-method investigation of the origin and meaning of trust during the Covid-19 lockdown in Denmark” written by journalist, Søren Bang, available in English and Danish.


Power, S.A. & Morton, T. (2022, July 19th). What keeps a crowd from becoming a mob? Scientific American.

Power, S.A. (2022, March15th). Vil du have en Ukrainer boende? (Will you accommodate a Ukrainian Citizen?). Comments featured in an op-ed by Emilie Bonde Aagaard. Avisen Danmark.


Power, S.A. (2022, January 31st). “Freedom Day” and the lifting of Danish Covid-19 restrictions. T.V. appearance on RTL Nord (German news and current affairs program).


Karstoft, K.I., Power, S.A., Breinholst, S., & Habekost, T. (2021, December 15th). Psykologiuddannelsen på Københavns Universitet er ikke ensrettet (The psychology education at the University of Copenhagen is not one-track). Uniavisen.


Power, S.A. (2021, June 21st). Séamus Power: Autobiographical notes and global orientations. Indput Magazine, Volume 52 (4), p. 9-10. 


Power, S.A. (2021, March 9th). Ulighed, kriser, og kultur. (Inequality, crises, & culture). Séamus Power interviewed by Gustav Kristensen and Erik Seidenfaden-Lassen for the “Studerende i Babelsbiblioteket” (Students at the library of Babel) podcast.

Power, S.A. (2020, May 16th). Team results featured in “New Danish Study – Johanne and lots of other Danes have suffered mentally during the Corona virus” by Sebastian Bjerring Jensen. B.T.

Power, S.A. (2020, May 6th). Radio: “RTÉ  Drivetime” Invited discussant on “Lessons from Denmark for the re-opening of Irish society during the COVID-19 crisis." RTÉ Radio 1.

Power, S.A. (2020, May 1st). Comments featured in “I have seen the future – And it’s not the life we knew” by Uri Friedman.The Atlantic.

Power, S.A. (2019, May 22nd). The global aspects of an Irish protest against Donald Trump. RTÉ Brainstorm.


Power, S.A. (2018, Fall). Séamus Power: Violations of Fairness in a Generation of Protests. Dialogo.


Power, S.A. Velez, G., Qadafi, A., & Tennant, J. (2018, August 28th). The SAGE model of social psychology research. Character & Context: Society for Personality & Social Psychology Blog.


Power, S.A. (2018, August 1st). What lessons did Ireland really learn from the recession? RTÉ Brainstorm

Power, S.A. (2018, May 31st). Why write for the popular press? International Society for Political Psychology


Power, S.A. (2017, October 1st). Comments featured in “Take a knee protest against U.S. President: is the uprising capturing the entire U.S.? BILD.

Power, S.A. (2017, January, 31st). Comments featured in  "4 rules for making a protest work, according to experts." Vox

Power, S.A. (2016, January 22nd). Comments featured in “What journalists get wrong about social science: full responses." Vox


Power, S.A. (2016, May 26th). Do Irish people at home and abroad feel differently about recession and recovery? The Irish Times


Power, S.A. & Nussbaum, D. (2016, March 15th). ‘You Reap What You Sow’: The Psychology of Irish Austerity Protests. The Guardian


Nussbaum, D. and Power, S.A. (2015, February 28th). Can Violence Be Moral? The Guardian


Power, S.A. and Nussbaum, D. (2014, July 24th). The Fightin’ Irish? Not when it comes to recession and austerity. The Guardian. 


Power, S.A. (2014, July). The Fightin’ Irish op-ed was reprinted on the Newstalk.


Power, S.A. (2014, July & August) Radio: Invited discussant on “The Psychology of the Irish Recession.” Beat FM 102-103fm. 


Power, S.A. (August, 2014) Radio: “The Business” Invited discussant on “The Psychology of the Irish Recession.” RTÉ Radio 1


Power, S.A. (2014, August 4th). Powerful Ideas: Cultural Psychology and the Transformation of SocietiesCharacter & Context: Society for Personality & Social Psychology Blog.

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