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Thomas Morton and I hosted a conference titled “Pluralistic Societies: The Challenges and Opportunities of Cultural Diversity in Western Liberal Democracies.” The meeting took place on the beautiful campus of the University of Copenhagen on July 7th & 8th, 2023. Professors Jolanda Jetten (University of Queensland) and Richard Shweder (University of Chicago) delivered keynote addresses. The abstracts of the c. 20 presentations are available here.


A special thanks to the Carlsberg Foundation for generously supporting this event.


My opening comments are available to read, here.


On July 9th & 10th, 2023, Brady Wagoner and I hosted the 10th anniversary meeting of the CuPsyNet (Cultural Psychology Network) meeting at the Department of Psychology, at the University of Copenhagen. Around 20 junior and senior cultural psychologists met to present on, and discuss ideas about, "Social Psychology of, and, for, World-Making." 

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